JS API is used in H5 pages opened in wechat/alipay. Users can pay directly on their phone.
participant Customer
Customer->Merchant: 1. Create order
Merchant->scanforpay: 2. Create order
scanforpay->Payment\nPlatform: 3. Create order
Payment\nPlatform->scanforpay: 4. Retrun transacion\ninformations
scanforpay->Merchant: 5. Return the\npage to pay
Merchant->Customer: 6.Redirect to\nthe page
Customer-->Payment\nPlatform: 7.Pay
Payment\nPlatform->Customer: 8. Display the result
Payment\nPlatform-->scanforpay: 8.Notify the result
scanforpay-->Merchant: 9. Notify the result
JS API Create Order API
Service URL
Request Body
Name | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Store ID | storeNo | String (15) | Y | Assigned by scanforpay |
Merchant Order Number | partnerOrderNo | String (32) | Y | Generated by merchant 20180802100000001 |
Wallet | wallet | String (10) | Y | Wechat: Wechat Pay Alipay: Alipay |
Transaction Amount | orderAmount | int | Y | The unit of the transaction amount is the smallest unit of the currency If the currency is RMB, the unit is Fen. So if the transaction amount is 1 Yuan, 100 should be passed;if curreny is JPY, the unit is Japanese Yen |
Transaction description | orderTitle | String(100) | N | Transaction description |
Operator ID | operatorId | String(20) | N | 100001 |
Terminal ID | terminalNo | String(20) | N | 100002 |
Notify Url | notifyUrl | String(200) | N | System will call this url when payment succeed. If this is empty, system will not notify the result |
Callback Url | returnUrl | String(200) | N | This page will be called after customers pay successfully or cancel the transation |
"request": {
"header": {
"requestTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:05+08:00",
"partnerNo": "10001",
"signType": "SHA256",
"version": "1.0",
"reqMsgId": "fd03f269-3180-4575-8af0-8f6cf324fb0f"
"body": {
"storeNo": "100010000000002",
"partnerOrderNo": "p20180725180605466813",
"orderAmount": 2100,
"orderTitle": "Consume",
"barcode": "284447106610060508",
"operatorId": "211918",
"terminalNo": "123456",
"notifyUrl": "",
"returnUrl": ""
"signature": "2d2d5c66a67a24b5e13705cc38f34d93c395a7d9e0e4ff9425c9ce07b806a1cc"
Response body
Name | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Response code | code | int(5) | Y | 1:success,Others: Fail |
Response message | msg | varchar (100) | Y | Response message |
Pay Url | payUrl | varchar(200) | Y | Generated by scanforpay. After created the order, user will be redirected the page to pay |
Successful response sample
"response": {
"header": {
"partnerNo": "10001",
"respTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:12+08:00",
"signType": "SHA256",
"version": "1.0",
"reqMsgId": "213ca19e-c75f-450d-9acf-46e860570bb9"
"body": {
"code": 1,
"msg": "success",
" payUrl ": "https://www.scanforpay.com/api/jspay/pay/5a421395def7ffdsa610f2"
"signature": "0710b2630b467c14b3d54295def7f89be61097c21472547823b43c58f3466b08"
Failed response sample
"response": {
"header": {
"partnerNo": "10001",
"respTime": "2018-07-25T17:37:14+08:00",
"signType": "SHA256",
"version": "1.0",
"reqMsgId": "c11fe1c7-069b-4399-be00-31830a5de63d"
"body": {
"code": 30
"msg": "订单不存在",
"signature": "5719065ecea463366cbf39b728b9b8cba940365c0c053dd96effde57f7edc1f8"