When a payment is done, scanforpay will notify the merchant the result. scanforpay may notify multiple times, so merchant should deal the repeat notifications.
After receiving the notification, merchant must return success
string immediately to tell scanforpay stop calling the notify url.
If merchant doesn't response a success, after calling several times of the notify url, scanforpay will stop to notify neither.
Notify Url
notifyUrl field in the create order request
Notify Request Body
Name | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Response code | code | int(5) | Y | 1:success,Others: fail |
Response message | msg | varchar (100) | Y | Response message |
Order Number | orderNo | varchar(32) | C | Generated by scanforpay |
Merchant Order Number | partnerOrderNo | String (32) | Y | Generated by merchant 20180802100000001 |
Transaction amount | orderAmount | int | Y | The unit of the transaction amount is the smallest unit of the currency If the currency is RMB, the unit is Fen. So if the transaction amount is 1 Yuan, 100 should be passed;if curreny is JPY, the unit is Japanese Yen |
Wallet | wallet | String (10) | Y | Wechat: Wechat Pay Alipay: Alipay |
Transaction Status | status | int | Y | 0:To be Paid 1:Success 2:Fail 3:Refunded |
Transation Time | payTime | String(25) | N | Date time with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details. 2018-07-25T17:54:00+08:00 |
Currency | currency | varchar(5) | Y | JPY |
Buyer account | buyer | varchar(30) | N | c* |
Buyer ID | buyerId | varchar(30) | N | 208xxxxxxxxxx012 |
Notify Sample
"response": {
"header": {
"partnerNo": "10001",
"respTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:12+08:00",
"signType": "SHA256",
"version": "1.0",
"reqMsgId": "213ca19e-c75f-450d-9acf-46e860570bb9"
"body": {
"code": 1,
"msg": "success",
"orderNo": "2018072518060757",
"partnerOrderNo": "p20180725180605466813",
"payTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:12+08:00",
"orderAmount": 2100,
"wallet": "Alipay",
"currency": "JPY",
"status": 1,
"signature": "0710b2630b467c14b3d54295def7f89be61097c21472547823b43c58f3466b08"
Notify Resonse Body